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Les configurations officiellement supportées par IBM pour Lotus Notes et Domino 8.0.x et 8.5.x

Supported configurations for Notes/Domino 8.0.x and 8.5.x

This document describes the supported configurations of Lotus Notes/Domino 8.0.x and 8.5.x when interoperating with servers, templates, and/or clients from other releases. The entire document applies to Notes/Domino 8.x releases; however, it does not represent iNotes (Domino Web Access). For information on iNotes supported configurations, see technote #1155931.
Start Here: Important information to note

* If you are running a pre-6.5 release of Notes/Domino, you must upgrade to at least Notes/Domino 6.5 before installing and upgrading to Notes/Domino 8.0.x or 8.5.x.

* "Supported during upgrade only" means that IBM Lotus does not intend to create fixes for the referenced configuration, as the expectation is that customers would run in this configuration only during a phased upgrade process. However, unless otherwise indicated, basic functionality should work (e.g., you can send and receive mail, read mail, and send and receive calendar invitations)

* IBM Lotus recommends upgrading servers before clients; however, running a Notes client of a higher release than the Domino server (e.g,, Notes 8.5.x client on Domino 8, 7 or 6 server) is a supported configuration during a phased upgrade process. With functionality such as Calendaring & Scheduling and Mail features, caution should be used when running a higher release of the Notes client and mail file design on a lower release of the Domino server. Most functionality an end user will expect is coded into the client and mail template, but some functionality is held on the server. Therefore, functions that require server-side code, will not function properly without it.

* IBM Lotus supports a Notes 8.5.x client on earlier server versions during the upgrade process, though this configuration is not recommended.

* In some cases IBM Lotus supports a Notes client combined with a mail template from a later release (such as, Notes 7 client / Notes 8 Mail template), during the upgrade process. However, it is not a recommended configuration for long term usage.

Supported configurations for mail templates

To determine if your configuration is supported, first identify the chart containing the base Domino mail template code level you use. Then, locate the Notes client and Domino server versions in use with that mail template.

8.x mail template (mail85.ntf & mail 8.ntf)
8.0.x mail template (mail8.ntf)
7.x mail template (mail7.ntf)
6.x mail template (mail6.ntf)

Domino 8.5.x Mail Template (Mail85.ntf)

Notes 8.5.x
Notes 8.0.x
Notes 7.0.x
Notes 6.5.x
Domino 8.5.x
Supported during
upgrade only

Supported during upgrade only
Supported during upgrade only
2, 3
Domino 8.0.x
Supported during upgrade only
Supported during
upgrade only
Supported during upgrade only
Supported during upgrade only
2, 3
Domino 7.0.x
Supported during upgrade only
Supported during
upgrade only

Supported during upgrade only
Supported during upgrade only
Domino 6.5.6
Supported during upgrade only
Supported during
upgrade only

Supported during upgrade only
Supported during upgrade only

Notes 8.5.0 and 8.5.1 clients are supported on Domino 8.5.0 server. Notes 8.5.2 clients are supported on 8.5.0 servers during upgrade only.

Domino 8 Mail Template

Notes 8.5.x
Notes 8.0.x
Notes 7.0.x
Notes 6.5.x
Domino 8.5.x
Supported during upgrade only
Supported during upgrade only
Supported during upgrade only
2, 3
Domino 8.0.x
Supported during upgrade only
Supported during upgrade only
Supported during upgrade only
2, 3
Domino 7.0.x
Supported during upgrade only
Supported during
upgrade only
Supported during upgrade only
Supported during upgrade only
Domino 6.5.6
Supported during upgrade only
Supported during
upgrade only
Supported during upgrade only
Supported during upgrade only

Notes 8.5.0 and 8.5.1 clients are supported on Domino 8.5.0 server. Notes 8.5.2 clients are supported on 8.5.0 servers during upgrade only.

8.x mail template issues to be aware of

(1) Calendar Overlay
In order to use the new 8.5 Calendar Overlay feature, a Notes 8.5.x client and 8.5.x template is needed.
NOTE: For 8.0.x client with 8.5.x template, administrators should disable calendar overlay until all clients have been upgraded to 8.5.x. If this setting is not disabled, calendar delegates cannot follow the link to open up their delegees calendar. This is a preference that can be pushed out via a policy. In your Domino Directory, go to the view Configuration\Policy\Settings and edit or create a mail policy. Go to the Calendar & ToDo\Display tab and set Calendar Overlay -> Disabled.

(2) SPR# SJCN74RNXZ-- Importance icon (!) does not display in mail views if clients are release 6.x or 7.x and the server and the mail template are both 8.x.

(3) SPR# SJCN73XKMJ-- Cannot drag mail message to Follow-up view in the following configuration mix: 8.x mail template and 6.5.x client.

(4) SPR# THSE7533D8 -- Mail preference to take action "when I delete a collapsed conversation" should not be present as it does not apply in the following configuration mix: Notes 8.5.x Standard client and 7.x server-based mail file.

echnote #1397269 -- Out of office agent replies to messages again after 6.x or 7.x mail database is converted to 8.x mail template

Technote #1403332 -- Out of Office agent can get stuck enabled when using the Out of Office service (client, server, and mail template are all 8.x)

Domino 7 Mail Template
(Mail7.ntf, Dwa7.ntf)

Notes 8.5.2
Notes 8.5.1
Notes 8.5
Notes 8.0.x
Notes 7.0.x
Notes 6.5.x
Domino 8.5.2
Supported during upgrade only
Supported during upgrade only
Supported during upgrade only
Domino 8.5.1
Supported during upgrade only
Domino 8.5
Supported during upgrade only
Domino 8.0.x
Supported during upgrade only
Domino 7.0.x
Supported during upgrade only
Domino 6.5.6
Supported during upgrade only
Supported during upgrade only
Supported during upgrade only

Domino 6 Mail Template

Notes 8.5.2
Notes 8.5.1
Notes 8.5
Notes 8.0.x
Notes 7.0.x
Notes 6.5.x
Domino 8.5.2
Supported during upgrade only
Supported during upgrade only
Supported during upgrade only
Domino 8.5.1
Domino 8.5
Supported during upgrade only
Supported during upgrade only
Domino 8.0.x
Supported during upgrade only
Supported during upgrade only
Domino 7.0.x
Supported during upgrade only
Supported during
upgrade only
Domino 6.5.6
Supported during upgrade only
Supported during upgrade only

Specific feature requirements & known issues

In order for new features to be available and function correctly, there may be particular client, server, ODS, and template version requirements. This includes mail based and non-mail based features. Some of that information is detailed in the table below, and more can be found at the following links:

Table of new features and requirements for Notes 8.5.x

Lotus Notes and Domino 8.5 Reviewer's Guide

Lotus Notes and Domino 8 Reviewer's Guide
Appendix A: Lotus Notes 8 client feature requirements - Contains a matrix describing each of the new Lotus Notes 8 features and whether each requires the Lotus Notes 8 Eclipse-based interface, a Lotus Notes 8 mail template, or a Lotus Domino 8 server, or more than one.

Appendix B. Lotus Domino 8 server feature requirements - Contains a matrix detailing each of the new Lotus Domino 8 features and whether each requires the Lotus Notes 8 client, a Lotus Notes 8 mail template, and any limitations associated with an environment that contains a mix of Lotus Domino 8 servers and pre-Lotus Domino 8 servers.

FunctionsAdditional Details/Comments
Message RecallTo successfully recall an email, the Message Recall feature requires the message that will be recalled to reside on a Domino 8 or 8.5 server. Domino servers prior to 8 can transfer a message recall request, but only the router task on a Domino 8.0x or 8.5 server can actually act upon it. Non-Domino servers can neither transfer nor act upon a recall request generated by the Notes client.

The only client requirement is that the mail file design of the Sender (recall requestor) is based on mail8.ntf and mail85.ntf. All testing to date has been completed with the Notes 8.0x and 8.5 client (Standard Configuration and Basic Configuration) on Microsoft Windows XP, Microsoft Windows Vista, Novell SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop (SLED), and RedHat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) against Domino 7.0x and 8.0 servers.
Ghosted meetingsIn order for Unprocessed Meetings to appear in the Calendar view, a Domino 8.0.x or 8.5.x server must be used. If a previous server is used, the unprocessed notices will not appear in the Calendar.
Auto CancellationsIn order for Auto Cancelations to remove meetings from the View automatically a Domino 8.0x or 8.5.x server must be used. If a previous server is used, Auto Cancels will not automatically be removed even if the option is selected in the Preferences.
Calendar OverlayIn order to use the new 8.5 Calendar Overlay feature, a Notes 8.5.x client and 8.5.x template is needed. For 8.0.x Client with 8.5.x Template, administrators should disable calendar overlay until all clients have been upgraded to 8.5.x. If this setting is not disabled, calendar delegates cannot follow the link to open up their delegees calendar. This is a preference that can be pushed out via a policy. In your Domino Directory, go to the view Configuration\Policy\Settings and edit or create a mail policy. Go to the Calendar & ToDo\Display tab and set Calendar Overlay -> Disabled.

Calendaring & Scheduling

Considerations when upgrading managers and assistants

When one person opens another person's mail file to manage their calendar, there is essentially a change in the configuration being used. No longer is one individual's configuration being used but rather a combination of both. It is important to note that you must first identify that combined configuration and then refer to the Supported Configurations charts at the top to see if it is supported.

The following scenario illustrates that when an assistant opens a manager's mail file to manage their calendar, the combined configuration being used is (1) the client of the assistant, and (2) the server and mail template of the manager.

works in the
calendar of =>
results in =>
Managed Calendar Configuration
refer to the chart at top to
<= determine if this is a supported configuration (answer: yes)
Notes 8.5 Client
Domino 8.5 Server
8.5 Mail Template
Notes 8.0.x Client
Domino 8.0.x Server
8.0.x Mail Template
Notes 8.5 Client
Domino 8.0.x Server
8.0.x Mail Template

**Best Practice Tip** To prevent managers and assistants from using features unavailable to the other, you should upgrade their Notes clients and mail templates at the same time.

Resource Reservations database

Any supported version of the Notes client can use the Domino 8.x Resource Reservations template (subject to any previous restrictions) and experience the benefit of the Rooms and Resources Manager (RnRMgr) feature. The RnRMgr task is responsible for processing all reservation requests and updating busytime schedules for rooms and resources. Unsupported clients can reserve rooms or resources only from meeting invitations in the mail file. There is nothing in the Resource Reservations template (Resrc8.ntf) that is Domino 8.0 specific. For C&S users, there is no change in behavior.

The RnRMgr task runs only on Domino 7.x and 8.x servers. This means that the "Home Server" of the Reservations database must be at least a Domino 7.0 server. In the past we have recommended that Reservations database be placed on its own server. If customers have followed this recommendation then all they need to upgrade is that server and they will see the immediate benefits of the RnRMgr feature for all of their clients.

We allow cluster replicas of the Reservations database. The clustermates can be any version of Domino. The only limitation to this is that pre-7.0 Domino servers
MUST NOT run a Router task because pre-7.0 Domino Routers still have autoprocessing agents in them and 'alternate mail delivery' by the Router could cause requests to get processed incorrectly during delivery on the clustermate. This will cause problems with the Reservations database!


Q. What is the generally recommended upgrade order?

For the overall Notes/Domino upgrade, the following order is recommended and supported by IBM Lotus:
    • Domino servers
    • Notes clients
    • Templates

Q. Where can you find more specific recommendations?

See the following topics in the Upgrade Cookbook:

On Page 2 -- "Deploying Domino 8.5.x servers"

On Page 3 -- "Deploying Notes 8.5.x clients"


Related information
Knowledge Collection: Upgrading to Lotus Notes/Domino 8
Supportability matrix of operating systems and Notes 8.
Attachments appear in the header section of a memo or f
Table of new features and requirements for Notes 8.5
Upgrading to Lotus Notes/Domino 8.0 (Knowledge Collecti
IBM Lifecyle

Cross Reference information

Messaging ApplicationsLotus NotesLinux, Mac OS X, Windows8.5, 8.0

Copyright and trademark information
IBM, the IBM logo and are trademarks of International Business Machines Corp., registered in many jurisdictions worldwide. Other product and service names might be trademarks of IBM or other companies. A current list of IBM trademarks is available on the Web at "Copyright and trademark information" at

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