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Toutes les options utilisables avec la tâche compact.

The default compaction style is "in-place compaction".
When running Compact from the server console, the syntax is as follows:

load compact databasename -switch

The following switches are new and apply to the Notes/Domino 8.5 and future releases:

Command line equivalent


-daos on

Enables the "Use Domino Attachment and Object Service" (DAOS) database property. (Use with -C to move current objects into DAOS.

-daos off

Disables the "Use Domino Attachment and Object Service" database property. (Use with -C to move current objects out of DAOS.

-S nnnK

Compact database if unused space estimate >= nnn KB.

-S nnnM

Compact database if unused space estimate >= nnn MB.

-S nn

Compact database if unused space estimate >= nn percent.


Recurse through subdirectories (default).


Do not recurse through subdirectories.


Process NSFDB2 databases only. This will ignore NSF databases and is to be used with other switches.


Include *.ntf and *.box when processing a directory

Compact - Style


Command-line equivalent


Notes/Domino release

Compaction style: In-place (recommended)


Uses in-place compaction and recovers unused space without reducing the file size unless there's a pending structural change to a database. In this case, copy-style compaction occurs. Recommended method of compacting.

-b is the only switch that will not change the DBIID of a database if transactional logging is enabled.

8, 7, 6, 5

Compaction style: In-place with file size reduction


Uses in-place compaction, recovers unused space, reduces file size unless there's a pending structural change in which case copy-style compacting occurs. If you use transaction logging, do full database backups after compacting completes.

8, 7, 6, 5

Compaction style: Copy-style

-c or -C

Uses copy-style compaction. Use this option to solve database corruption problems.
Unused (white) space is not copied over, only data.

8, 7, 6, 5

Compaction style: Copy-style: Allow access while compacting

Upper or lower case 'L' will work.

Enables users to continue to access databases during compacting. If a user edits a database during compacting, compacting is cancelled. Useful only when copy-style compacting is done.

8, 7, 6, 5

Compaction style: Copy-style: Ignore errors and proceed

Upper and lower case 'I' will work in R4 but only lower case 'i' will work in R5 and later releases.

The -i option must be used together with -c or -L. Otherwise, you get the error, "Ignore errors is only allowed with copy-style compaction."

Enables compacting to continue even if it encounters errors such as document corruption. Only used for copy-style compaction.

8, 7, 6, 5

Check for overlapping obects

-o or -O

If using in-place compaction, checks for overlapping objects and switches to copy style if any are found.

8, 7, 6, 5

Compact - Options

Command-line equivalent
Compact database only if unused space is greater than x percent-S percentCompacts all databases with a specified percent of unused space. Example: if you specify 10, databases with 10% or more recorded unused space are compacted. Unused space calculation is not always a reliable measure of unused space.
Discard any built view indexes-DDiscards built view indexes. Use to compact databases just before you store them on tape. Does copy-style compacting.
Keep or revert database to previous format-RCompacts databases without converting to the current release file format of the server that stores the databases, or reverts databases in the current release file format to the previous release file format. For example, on Domino 6 servers, this option compacts Domino 5 databases without converting them to Domino 6 file format, and converts Domino 6 databases to Domino 5 file format. Uses copy-style compacting.

Compact - Advanced

Command-line equivalent
Notes/Domino release
Upper or lower case 'E' will work.
Show effective arguments without execution since some arguments affect others. For example, -i only works with -c, so executing the compact command first with -e on the end is a good way to check syntax without actually compacting a database.8, 7, 6, 5
Document table bitmap optimization: Off-fDisables the "Document table bitmap optimization" database property. Does copy-style compaction.8, 7, 6, 5
Document table bitmap optimization: On-FEnables the "Document table bitmap optimization" database property. Does copy-style compaction.8, 7, 6, 5
Don't support specialized response hierarchy: Off-hDisables the "Don't support specialized response hierarchy" database property. Does copy-style compaction.8, 7, 6, 5
Don't support specialized response hierarchy: On-HEnables the "Don't support specialized response hierarchy" database property. Does copy-style compaction.8, 7, 6, 5
Enable transaction logging: On-TEnables transaction logging.8, 7, 6, 5
Enable transaction logging: Off-tDisables transaction logging.8, 7, 6, 5
Maintain unread marks: On-uDisables the "Don't maintain unread marks" database property.8, 7, 6, 5
Maintain unread marks: Off-UEnables the "Don't maintain unread marks" database property.8, 7, 6, 5
Allow for a larger UNK table-KAllows for a larger UNK table in a database past 64K.
: Not available through the Compact tool in Files tab of Domino Administrator.
8, 7, 6, 5
Disable large (>64 KB) UNK table-kRemoves large UNK table in database.
: Not available through the Compact tool in Files tab of Domino Administrator.
8, 7, 6, 5
No equivalent option.-ZUConverts document attachments using compression type Huffman to LZ1.
: The database property, "Use LZ1 compression for attachments", must be enabled for this switch to be effective.

In 6.5.6, only the following notes.ini parameter must also be set: DEBUG_ENABLE_LZ1_REPAIR=1
Domino 6.5.6, 7.0.1 and later
No equivalent option.-ZDConverts document attachments using compression type LZ1 to Huffman.

In 6.5.6, only the following notes.ini parameter must also be set: DEBUG_ENABLE_LZ1_REPAIR=1
Domino 6.5.6, 7.0.1 and later
Make views small-VDisables the "Compress document data" database property such as non-summary (body) item data.
Use "-c" with both "-V" and "-v" to enable or disable compression of current document data.
Domino 8 and later
Make views big-vEnables the "Compress document data" database property.
Use "-c" with both "-V" and "-v" to enable or disable compression of current document data.
Domino 8 and later
Make Notes small-nCompresses dataDomino 8 and later
Make Notes big-N Uncompresses data Domino 8 and later

Compact - Archive

If you want to use the document archiving tool to archive and delete documents in a database, you can use the following Compact options to archive documents if the database is located on a server and you've chosen the advanced archiving option, "Automatically on server."

Command-line equivalent
Notes/Domino release
Archive only-AArchives and deletes documents from a database without compacting the database.8, 7, 6, 5
Archive and then compact-aArchives and deletes documents from a database and then compacts the database. 8, 7, 6, 5
Delete and then archive-jDeletes documents from a database and then compacts the database.
: Not available through the Compact tool on the Files tab of Domino Administrator.
Domino 6 and later
 Copyright IBM document d'origine disponible dans la section IBM support

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